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Elder Abuse London Middlesex (EALM) is a not-for-profit network comprised of volunteer service providers and members of the community-at-large who are dedicated to working together to address the issue of elder abuse. EALM was formerly known as the Coalition to End Abuse of Older Adults London & Middlesex, established in 2010 with the merger of Project S.E.N.I.O.R. (Stop Elder Neglect in our Region), a London Police Service initiative (2000), and the Committee on Abuse and Neglect of the Elderly (CANE, 1985).

EALM provides a forum for discussion of elder abuse cases and issues, develops and promotes educational material, creates and encourages opportunities for increasing awareness and understanding, takes action to end elder abuse and supports the community in responding.

Our Vision

To end elder abuse.

Our Mission

To work in collaboration with the community to make London and region a place where older adults can live with respect and dignity, free from any form of abuse.

Guiding Principles

  1. Every individual has the right to live free of abuse.

  2. All forms of abuse, whether deliberate or inadvertent, are unacceptable.

  3. Ending elder abuse is everyone’s responsibility.

  4. To do nothing is to allow abuse to continue.


EALM conducts community presentations to increase awareness of elder abuse and to provide individuals with some guidance in how to respond. If you are interested in holding or attending a presentation, please email us at

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